domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

HOMEWORK week: October 24th to 28th

Hello, this is the homework for this week:
1. pages 76 and 77 from the book
2. (possible) solve sums and subtractions (resolver sumas y restas con números en ingles)

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011


We are in exam week for this reason THERE IS NOT HOMEWORK.
This is the guide of the test, please study! :)

-Welcome Unit lesson 3 (pages 8, 9) personal pronouns, possessive adejectives. famous people. The time: example It´s a quarter past ten 10:45

-Welcome unit lesson 4 (pages 10, 11) questions with verb to be: Is Gisella from Brazil? yes, she is. The days of the week: Monday, tuesday, etc.

-Welcome Unit lesson 5 "the Big English Quiz"

- Unit 1, lesson 1 (pages 14, 15) Study the countries and the professions.


domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

homework week: October 10th to 14th

Hello! My dear students: this is the homework for the week:
You have to investiagte 10 sports in English, obviously.

then, remember that I wll check YOUR NOTEBOOKS, please don´t forget.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

HOMEWORK week: Oct. 3rd to 7th

hi! Here I´m writing the new assignaments for the week:
1. You have to answer the book activities from pages 74 and 75 (remember using pencil on it)

2. Investigate one famous people from the professions on page 15.( actor, singer, musician, etc...)

Have an excellent week and enjoy your lifes. GBY

Hola! Aqui estoy escibiendo las nuevas tareas para esta semana:
1. Tienes que contestar las actividades de las paginas 74 y 75.

2. Investigar una persona famosa de las profesiones de la pagina 15. (un actor, un cantante, un musico, etc... son 10 profesiones)

Que tengan una excelente semana y disfruten sus vidas. DLB